Waiting for Pottermore: Stupefied

Here’s an amusing follow-up to the last post on DH2. Enjoy!

And speaking of stupefied…

Luna is now a Gryffindor. Yep, Luna actress (and big HP fan) Evanna Lynch sorted into Gryffindor on Pottermore.
(Many thanks to janinavalencia for finding and sharing that information).

Here’s what Evanna tweeted out about the experience:

Ahhhh umm errrrrr…. Just got sorted. Slight identity crisis. Need to sit down and process this… #pottermore

I’m in Gryffindor. #Pottermore #confusion #shock #pride #happiness #LUNADONTLEAVEME!!!

I don’t know what to do. I feel like Jo just told me I’m a man. I’m SO utterly confused.

Gryffindor! Woahhh what an honour! I’m so happy! But confused! But happy! BUT CONFUSED. #Pottermore #farewellravenclaw

Dammit, now I have to change my whole bleedin’ wardrobe!!! #pottermore #butredandgoldarenotmycolours

Sorry for the tweet explosion… I’m just…having a moment. #farewellravenclaw #pottermore #JowhathaveyouDONE?!

Sounds a bit stupefied herself, doesn’t she?

I guess we can now use this pic with feeling!

Luna in her Gryffindor Lion hat

Waiting for Pottermore: The Movie!

Well, a third set of Pottermore emails went out today, and I didn’t receive one. So I took the cue from my Waiting for Pottermore Top 10 List and went to Tyson’s Corner tonight to see the very last IMAX 3D showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. To tell the truth, it’s better in 2D. But hey, I didn’t have to wait as long to see the 3D version, and it was a rather intimate showing of the film.

Anyway, while I’m off busily writing about DH2, I thought you might find a way to entertain yourselves with this little movie. Enjoy!

ETA: OMG! GMTA!!! I just discovered that The Last Muggle posted this same video yesterday! But I solemnly swear I didn’t steal it from her. I found it in a social group on CoS.

Play the ‘Expecto Patronum’ Search Term Game!

Well, it’s time to play a reader-participation game!

In the poll below, I’ve provided a list of authentic search terms that have been used to reach this blog. I personally find each of them somewhat funny or outre.

So, here’s how to play the game:

Vote to select your favorite search term(s) from the list… and then write something about your choice(s) in the comments section.

Here are some possibilities to get you started:

  • Explain why you like the term(s)
  • What might the searcher have been thinking of?
  • What sort of scenario in the HP universe might apply to the term(s) you’ve selected? (try to keep this family friendly, please)
  • …Or whatever else you want to write!

Have fun! And keep the snark lock on!

Moving towards ‘The Potions Master’

I guess this blog proves that you can write about Harry Potter for a few months, slowly build an audience, and then the second you write about Severus Snape… BAM! The blog explodes.

The other day, Severus Snape finally made his first appearance onstage in this re-read. It wasn’t, however, his first appearance on this blog. In fact, I started the blog right after finishing my first read of the series, while I was trying to unravel my feelings about Snape and Dumbledore. But at that time, the blog had no audience.

What happened the other day, though, is that visits to the blog suddenly exploded exponentially. Yes, the comments thread exploded too, but the comments were all from a group of Snape fans that I already knew and had invited to come on by and take a look at the post. That group of fans cannot account for the hundreds of visits the blog has since received beyond its normal audience level.

In the comments thread, by the way, arithmancer made a good point about an aside I made concerning Snape being Head of Slytherin:

“Oh, and of course, Harry also knows that Snape is the head of Slytherin House.”

Yes, I do think this is a part of Harry’s reasoning [in assuming that Snape is the villain] (if we shall charitably call it so), and the thought process Rowling hopes her readers will follow. We’ve had Hagrid revealing all the bad wizards come from that House, including, specifically, Voldemort. We’ve met Draco, the unpleasant little snob, who wants that House and gets Sorted into it, and seen Harry ask not to end up in this house. By the end of this chapter, we are shown Harry making this chain of associations in a dream, from Slytherin to Draco, to Snape, to Voldemort (though he does not at the time know it himself, as he does not remember whose laughter it is he hears and what the green light signifies):

“Harry told the turban he didn’t want to be in Slytherin; it got heavier and heavier; he tried to pull it off but it tightened painfully — and there was Malfoy, laughing at him as he struggled with it — then Malfoy turned into the hook-nosed teacher, Snape, whose laugh became high and cold — there was a burst of green light and Harry woke, sweating and shaking.”

Heck, I fell for it when I first read this book (mostly because by the time Hermione “saw” Snape trying to kill Harry, I had decided I was reading *that* sort of children’s series.)

Yes, never underestimate the power of suggestion… and beyond that, the power of suggestion from dreams you don’t even remember!

The real villain in the “turban-as-sorting-hat” dream is actually underneath that turban, but in his dream, Harry morphs Draco into Snape and then Snape into Voldemort’s laugh – along with the green light of the Avada Kedavra curse that gave Harry the very same scar that burned when Snape first looked at him.
(It was actually burning, of course, because of what was underneath that turban.)

Harry’s unconscious mind is connecting Snape with Voldemort. And even though that association would have been true a little over a decade earlier (when Snape was a Death Eater), it is very far from true now.

Harry’s dream closes the chapter and leads in to the first chapter that is actually named after Snape – “The Potions Master.” And that is where we will pick up in a couple of days. But until then, here’s some silly Snape humor. LET’S DANCE!